AWS workshops
Using Terraform to create IAM Users, IAM Roles, IAM Policies
6. Create IAM Role and Policy attachment

6. Create IAM Role and Policy attachment

IAM roles and policy attachments are crucial in AWS for maintaining secure and organized access control. They offer several advantages:

  1. Limited access: IAM roles and policies ensure that only authorized individuals or programs have access to specific resources, enhancing security by preventing unauthorized actions.
  2. Centralized management: Instead of managing access rights across various platforms or using disparate methods, IAM roles and policies provide a centralized platform for easy management and tracking of permissions.
  3. Reusable rules: Similar to creating a universal rule for specific actions, IAM roles and policies enable the creation of reusable access rules, reducing redundancy and simplifying permission management.
  4. Flexible updates: When access requirements change, IAM roles and policies facilitate easy updates without the need for manual adjustments across multiple resources.
  5. Secure sharing: IAM roles and policies enable secure sharing of resources by granting controlled access to authorized individuals or entities, ensuring that shared access remains within predefined boundaries.

Here is the IAM Role and Policy Attachment for the KathyRole and AllowS3Access policies:

# IAM Role and IAM Policy Attachment
resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "attach_s3_access" {
    policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.allow_s3_access.arn
    role =

Here is a detailed explanation of each policy:

To view Permission Policy of the role click on the Permission and then click on the + icon to expand the policy permission.

Role-Policy-Permission-Image IAM role permission policy description for KathyRole