I don't know if you've ever noticed the thing I'm going to deliver, but on my learning journey about anything my brain was forced to pay attention to, it's one of the most wonderful features of life.
Since the earliest days of human existence, structures have been made to provide shelter, warmth, refuge and privacy, and to facilitate worship, work and social interaction. In this respect, little has changed - but in terms of development, expression, interpretation and style, everything is in constant flux. This is what makes architecture so fascinating: although our essential requirements barely alter, different imes, place and cultures have produced hugely varied buildings.
The factors behind this variety include religious beliefs, availability of materials, variation in climate, limits of technology and economic systems. Among the most enduring works of architecture are castles palaces and cathedrals, many of which are physical proof of technological progress. Buildings are not just about the way they look; they are also about how they function, their practicality, construction, decoration, and howthey fit into the landscape.
These are all the interesting stuff from the "Architecture in Minutes" book that I have an opportunity to skim through. It introduces some of the greatest architectural achievements of humandkind. From the mysterious megaliths and spectacular pyramids of the ancient world, to the formidable fortresses and soaring Gothic churches of medieval Europe, and from elegant pagodas ad magnificent mosques and palaces, to intricate urban developments and towering skyscrapers.
They survey ideas, innovations, and ingenuity. Also, taking into account society's changing requiremtns and expectations, as well as many of the architects who, through their knowledge of construction methods and materials and their understanding of proportion, aesthetics and local environments, have created unique and original buildings, instigating further change and developments over time.
So without any further ado, let's get started! Click to move to the next episode!